Great post man (as always)! So many people try to achieve "balance" by doing every possible micro task. But instead, they make progress in none and feel bad when they look back on their past selves and feel they have made no progress.

Instead it's better to focus on the few hard tasks, and make insane progress in a few areas of life instead of trying for all of them.

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Exactly Nikhil, you got it!

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Hey Beniamin, this is a great post! I used to be the champion of planning too much or setting my expectations too high to the point where I always felt like I didn’t get everything done. I’ve learned to scaled that back more overtime and just focus on the simpler things that have a potential to have bigger impacts or returns in the future like my writing habit. I also learned that celebrating small wins also helps when you want to feel like you’re making progress. Thank you so much for posting this! Your newsletter is awesome by the way! Just subscribed! :)

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Sometimes it takes surprisingly long time to learn surprisingly simple tings. Thanks, I appreciate you, Khadejah!

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Thank you for sharing! My therapist is all about the path of “least resistance” and “done is better than perfect” and by that philosophy of planning to do the least acceptable amount per week, I find it sets me free to do more. Great post. 🤩

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Thank you for kind words Elanie! Your therapist got it, slow progress is always better than no progress and everyone got things different.

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